ArcelorMIttal mulling 600 MW solar farm in Karnataka————— Proplanets solar sheared this article of
By Rakhi Mazumdar, wrote in ET Bureau | Feb 16, 2018, 05.16 PM IST Arcelor said this would contribute to the mitigation of Karnataka's...
India’s Solar mission renewed 👍
The Government today announced the trajectory for achieving its targets of commissioning 175 GW of Renewable Energy (RE), 100 GW of solar...
Offshore wind, hydro power projects may get green energy tag
The ministry notified the National Offshore Wind Energy Policy in October 2015, which said there was reasonable potential to develop...

Dubai to operate world's largest solar power project
Dubai will implement the world's largest Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) project valued at 14.2 billion dirhams ($3.87 billion), UAE daily...
Punjab National Bank to Provide $500 Million to Finance Rooftop Solar Projects in India
The Punjab National Bank (PNB) will finance rooftop solar projects in India through a customized program and will provide up to $500...